Sunday 23 April……Blue skies, sunshine and still waters, the Cote D’Azur at its best. Stunning topography in this region and clear waters, still warming up this early in the season. In contact with our regular dive centre just over the border, Medes Islands trip is on for first week of june, for those of you who can join us.
Friday 21 April……A quick dash out to S.France for a few days to sample some new dive sites for our trips this year. At just £16 with Ryanair, it’s stunningly inexpensive and so easy for long weekend dive trips. Going to be diving with some of our existing dive centre/ partners and a couple of new ones, back soon to update !
Monday 17 April……A weekend of teaching in the pool, well done to Claire and Mike on their PADI Open Water referral course, and have a great time in the Maldives. Just arrived, a consignment of Aqualung and APEKS dive equipment to the shop, some new shiny bits for the start of the season, just awaiting the new APEKS DSX computers delivery now, will feature its capabilities on here, so you can see for yourselves.
Friday 14 April….Take the opportunity now of the Wednesday evening night dives at Stoney. There’s time in the evening now for a daylight dive after work, followed by an exhilarating night dive. Also allows an increased timetable for peeps to learn to dive in Leicester. Build up your diving experience, join us for the Wednesday meetings, 1st and 3rd Weds of the month, come on down !
Tuesday 11 April……Ooooh, a bit of a cold n wet snap here in Leicester,but it is warmer and brighter in the South. So our first trip to the UK coast this season is Dorset, come and join us for a shore/boat dive from Swanage on 2 May 2023. Your first step was to learn to dive in Leicester, so now take advantage of one the UK‘s best diving sites, come on down and join us.
Monday 10 April…..It’s been a busy few days over Easter welcoming new adventurers to the sport. Well done to Cath and Fiona on their PADI Scuba session, and Congrats to Pieter on his PADI Nitrox qualification, and to Hannah on her PADI Open Water qualification. Great to welcome Paul and his family; Paula, Holly and Natalie for their PADI Scuba session. Seems summer was here and gone, with typical Easter rain, nevertheless, lots of diving going on, so come on down and join us !
Weds 5 April…..well, somehow we managed to avoid the lovely sunshine today, unlike earlier this week,and decided to pick a rainy one for Stoney today. Nevertheless Congrats to Molly in qualifying as a PADI Drysuit diver, and for becoming a UK winter diver. viz seems to be improving again, so come on down and get wet!