Archives March 2013

Tuesday 26 March…Coldey, Coldey

Tuesday 26 March…Coldey, Coldey as expected, no open water dives but managed some work on classrooms at least. Flights are cheap at moment for the dive trip to Spain, choose your days/duration between 5- 18 June, contact us for more details, going to be fun and WARM !


Monday 25 March…A really disastrous start

Monday 25 March…A really disastrous start to what was a well scheduled and busy week of diving, for first time in over 20 years we had to cancel the first 3 days of this weeks open water dives, bizarre conditions for end of March. Inconvenience for lots of our students, and a real let down for a busty start to the season. Compare my photo posting on 3 March to today’s photo.
Photo: Monday 25 March...A really disastrous start to what was a well scheduled and busy week of diving, for first time in over 20 years we had to cancel the first 3 days of this weeks open water dives, bizarre conditions for end of March. Inconvenience for lots of our students, and a real let down for a busty start to the season. Compare my photo posting on 3 March to today's photo.

Friday 21 March…Brrrrr.

Friday 21 March…Brrrrr. I’m going back to Egypt, spring here is no fun. Cold water wake up at Stoney, then at least the warmth of the pool. Well done to Claire this afternoon on her PADI Scuba course, a natural! Also well done to the LUDS crew today, and to all our friends whose holls begin today…have a great break !!
Photo: Friday 21 March...Brrrrr. I'm going back to Egypt, spring here is no fun. Cold water wake up at Stoney, then at least the warmth of the pool. Well done to Claire this afternoon on her PADI Scuba course, a natural! Also well done to the LUDS crew today, and to all our friends whose holls begin today...have a great break !!

Monday 11 March…Glad to be inside today brrrrrrr

Monday 11 March…Glad to be inside today brrrrrrr. Servicing regs and other humdrum. Well done to Dave on his PADI Equipment specialist course this afternoon. Will be putting together an events page in next few days, lots of notice for trips…so here’s 2 definitely; Spain and S.France in May and again in June, contact us for details !


Saturday 9 March…..Ok,

Saturday 9 March…..Ok, I wish I hadn’t said Stoney cove was quiet last weekend, today everyone seems to have been tempted out, more divers than fish for sure. Well done to Rob and Luke on their PADI Search n Recovery speciality. Any on else interested in their Navigation speciality course next week?
