Archives November 2018

Thursday 29 November…. Windy corner at the Cove today

Thursday 29 November…. Windy corner at the Cove today, very bracing. When you have a free moment, please have a look at our new website design, Em has been busy on the keyboard, photo of first page below. For those not wishing to miss out on diving for the nextfew months, whynotjoin us for your PADI drysuit qualification, and experience some of the years best visibility.

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Friday 9 November….End of a busy week

Friday 9 November….End of a busy week in the school, and catching up on equipment servicing. Well done to Robin on his PADI Drysuit qualification and to Henry and Patricia on their PADI Nitrox qualification. Rather chilly on Wednesday Nights night dive at the Cove, but always a hot fire burning in the bar afterwards. Looking forward to next Wednesdays big meet for the Red Sea adventurers get together.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: people sitting, table and indoor