Archives March 2015

Tuesday 31 March….A grim old day today

Tuesday 31 March….A grim old day today, popped up to Stoney Cove, had wavelets like the channel n sideways hail/rain. the warmth of the pool, well done to Kirsty and Alan this morning and Alexandra n Alex this afternoon on their PADI Open Water course, photo today of the dive dog intensely policing the 10 minute float. Remember Weds night dive n social afterwards tomorrow (see monday post)

"Tuesday 31 March....A grim old day today, popped up to Stoney Cove, had wavelets like the channel n sideways hail/rain. the warmth of the pool, well done to Kirsty and Alan this morning and Alexandra n Alex this afternoon on their PADI Open Water course, photo today of the dive dog intensely policing the 10 minute float. Remember Weds night dive n social afterwards tomorrow (see monday post)"

Monday 30 March…Welcome and well done today

Monday 30 March…Welcome and well done today to Alexandra and Alex on their PADI Open Water course (photo). Conditions at Stoney Cove are challenging in terms of viz at the mo, but take advantage by undertaking the PADI Underwater Navigator course, an ideal qual to have in hand. It’s Night dive this Weds night, again, conditions dictate Advanced plus, with night diving experience. Finally..”calling all archaeologists in Leicester, Coventry, Warks and Notts”..come try out our PADI Underwater archaeology courses

"Monday 30 March...Welcome and well done today to Alexandra and Alex on their PADI Open Water course (photo). Conditions at Stoney Cove are challenging in terms of viz at the mo, but take advantage by undertaking the PADI Underwater Navigator course, an ideal qual to have in hand. It's Night dive this Weds night, again, conditions dictate Advanced plus, with night diving experience. Finally.."calling all archaeologists in Leicester, Coventry, Warks and Notts"..come try out our PADI Underwater archaeology courses"

Sunday 29 March…This weekend at Stoney

Sunday 29 March…This weekend at Stoney saw this brave and hardy lady freeswimming, whilst we were in drysuits. Again, please submit a suitable caption, and win a snorkel for the best (well done to DF on last weeks clean humoured one). Well done to Gurpreet and Hina on their PADI Discover Scuba this evening…and still light. Nice to see Helen n Stu, thanks for the invite to talk to youngsters next week on learn to dive in Coventry. Take alook at our website for a new PADI Speciality course and a little more work to online shop. APB!!! This Weds night is night dive at Stoney, come on down and social afterwards.

"Sunday 29 March...This weekend at Stoney saw this brave and hardy lady freeswimming, whilst we were in drysuits. Again, please submit a suitable caption, and win a snorkel for the best (well done to DF on last weeks clean humoured one). Well done to Gurpreet and Hina on their PADI Discover Scuba this evening...and still light. Nice to see Helen n Stu, thanks for the invite to talk to youngsters next week on learn to dive in Coventry. Take alook at our website for a new PADI Speciality course and a little more work to online shop. APB!!! This Weds night is night dive at Stoney, come on down and social afterwards."

Saturday 28 March…Well rather grey early this morning

Saturday 28 March…Well rather grey early this morning, thanks to all the DMs who turned out today to help. With much regret, we had to cancel all our Open Water course students for this weekend, sadly our normally fantastic Stoney Cove conditions have suffered an algae bloom reducing visibility to really an Advanced dive only. A massive apology especially to Charlotte and Dale, we had great fun preparing them for Open Water, but conditions mean finishing in Mexico next week. Nice to see Amber n Mikey, who travelled up from afar to help out. Thanks to all for the cakies n cookies.

"Saturday 28 March...Well rather grey early this morning, thanks to all the DMs who turned out today to help. With much regret, we had to cancel all our Open Water course students for this weekend, sadly our normally fantastic Stoney Cove conditions have suffered an algae bloom reducing visibility to really an Advanced dive only. A massive apology especially to Charlotte and Dale, we had great fun preparing them for Open Water, but conditions mean finishing in Mexico next week. Nice to see Amber n Mikey, who travelled up from afar to help out. Thanks to all for the cakies n cookies."

Friday 27 March…. Well like all beast laid plans

Friday 27 March….Well like all best laid plans, the 2 days course/diving in Portland was blown out and relocated inland….Vobster Quay. It’s just a reminder why we plan so many dives to Spain/S.France nowadays rather than relying on UK winderama. Anyway, photo shows the first graduates of the PADI Distinctive NAS Wreck Detective Instructors course. I was only thinking the other day, how PADI Instructors seem to be getting younger, not so in this photo, we’re all still around (apologies for any offence fellow WDI’s). We will be running one of the first courses in the UK later in April, so keep an eye out.


Weds 25 March….. Well it’s spring it’s summer

Weds 25 March…Well, its spring its summer, take your pick today. Our regular Weds at Stoney Cove today, nice to see Helder, off to sunny climes, and well done to Joe S. on his rescue skills for DM, and thanks for the cakies. We are off to Portland tomorrow for some salt water dives mmm. Have left the new Instructor and Sophie in charge whilst away eeeeek !


Monday 23 March…An early awakener

Monday 23 March…An early awakener to the day with an IPAD disaster, but welcome and well done to Fiona (photo)on her PADI Discover Scuba in the pool today, and who was a natural, and signed up for her PADI Open Water course. We have published the remainder of the 2015/16 trips on the website. Although UK diving is the best in the world, you will find more trips abroad, this is because weather dictates the calendar, and we will pop more UK trips in on ad hoc basis, so keep an eye out. Please. if the dates do not fit, then tell us, and if the majority agree we can adjust the calendar.

"Monday 23 March...An early awakener to the day with an ipad disaster, but welcome and well done to Fiona (photo)on her PADI Discover Scuba in the pool today, and who was a natural, and signed up for her PADI Open Water course. We have published the remainder of the 2015/16 trips on the website. Although UK diving is the best in the world, you will find more trips abroad, this is because weather dictates the calendar, and we will pop more UK trips in on ad hoc basis, so keep an eye out. Please..if the dates do not fit, then tell us, and if the majority agree we can adjust the calendar."

Sunday 22 March….An exceptionally

Sunday 22 March….An exceptionally successful day all round…well done to Erik on completion of his PADI Open Water course, and well done to Kev on certifying as PADI Rescue Diver. Great news…congratulations to all on the PADI Instructor Exam today…in paricular….our very own Beani who after 10 days of being away on her IDC qualified as a PADI Instructor…a culmination of 7 years of diving. Does this mean I can now live the dream; cookies and Tea drinking on my beach chair ? Some might say, i’ve been doing that for years.

Aquatechnique Scuba School's photo.
Aquatechnique Scuba School's photo.

Saturday 21 March…A great days diving

Saturday 21 March…A great days diving , congratulations and well done to DM Chelsea and Becca on certifying as PADI Drysuit Divers today, a faultless transition into UK conditions. Nice to see Rowan today and thanks to Darryl for dive marshalling for us on an exceptionally busy Saturday at Stoney Cove. Thanks also to Julian for his fine stewardship and help all day again today, and to Sarah for the delicious home made cakey mmmmm. Finally a big thanks to everyone bringing choccies n cookies, perhaps that’s why I only just managed to squeeze between Nessies humps today (the lochness monster at Stoney btw Jim), soon the windows of the pub may pose a problem to manoeuvre through for me.

"Saturday 21 March...A great days diving , congratulations and well done to DM Chelsea and Becca on certifying as PADI Drysuit Divers today, a faultless transition into UK conditions. Nice to see Rowan today and thanks to Darryl for dive marshalling for us on an exceptionally busy Saturday at Stoney Cove. Thanks also to Julian for his fine stewardship and help all day again today, and to Sarah for the delicious home made cakey mmmmm. Finally a big thanks to everyone bringing choccies n cookies, perhaps that's why I only just managed to squeeze between Nessies humps today (the lochness monster at Stoney btw Jim), soon the windows of the pub may pose a problem to manoeuvre through for me."

Friday 20 March…An early morning start

Friday 20 March…An early morning start, and spectacular eclipse just as we were heading underwater. Well done to Doc Bav on his PADI Scuba Review this morning, and well done to Kevin and Darryl on their PADI Rescue Diver skills at Stoney Cove this afternoon. Thanks to Joe for his help today, and comatose body role. Anyone else for the PADI EFR course this Sunday ?

Aquatechnique Scuba School's photo.
Aquatechnique Scuba School's photo.