Thursday 24 April…The sun and blue sky came out

Thursday 24 April…The sun and blue sky came out

Thursday 24 April…The sun and blue sky came out after the dives today. Well done to Julian on his Search n Recovery workshop and Rescue skills. The viz is virtually excellent, 9 degrees in the shallows but warming slowly, so come on down. Photo shows Julian and Em taking a few seconds downtime from scoffing 5 kg of Oreos, check their cheeks out !
Photo: Thursday 24 April...The sun and blue sky came out after the dives today. Well done to Julian on his Search n Recovery workshop and Rescue skills. The viz is virtually excellent, 9 degrees in the shallows but warming slowly, so come on down. Photo shows Julian and Em taking a few seconds downtime from scoffing 5 kg of Oreos, check their cheeks out !