Thursday 25 July…Grrrr !

Thursday 25 July…Grrrr !

Thursday 25 July…Grrrr ! Working on a new equipment store room, hot n dusty, tired of lugging suits around from rail to rail. After lunch had pool sessions to do..that came as escape. Well done to Jenny on her DSD and also to Nicola on her PADI skills in the pool (photo). Before Louise comments on it…yes it was my annual pool teaching session !
Photo: Thursday 25 July...Grrrr ! Working on a new equipment store room, hot n dusty, tired of lugging suits around from rail to rail. After lunch had pool sessions to do..that came as escape. Well done to Jenny on her DSD and also to Nicola on her PADI skills in the pool (photo). Before Louise comments on it...yes it was my annual pool teaching session !