Monday 22 February…wow we’re almost in March already, thats the benefit of the end of January holiday
Monday 22 February…wow we’re almost in March already, thats the benefit of the end of January holiday, it makes winter seem shorter. For those of us looking to book the same Red Sea live-aboard in Jan 2017, we have just received prices etc. will promulgate them soon. Well done n thanks to those attending the PADI seminar yesterday, obviously the birth of a new label is here..” I want to do my PADI” seems to be the call, an interesting take on consumer teminology. Welcome and well done to Chris today on his PADI Open water course, a whole day of soaking in the pool. Off to Warwick and Leamington Spa tonight, to see a group of youngsters interested in a tailor made trip at end of term n exams in June.

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