Archives May 2011

Weekend dive trip 17/19 June Spain

35 years as a nature reserve means this site is teeming with underwater life. Large groupers, lots of Medes Islandsoctos and lots of caves and the occasional wreck. Don’t miss out, this is cheaper than the UK coast and sunshine is virtually guaranteed.

This is always our most popular dive destination join us and see why.


Aquatechnique Instructors & Divemasters

Aquatechnique Divemasters & Instructors we have designed a new scheme as part of our commitment to investors in people, contact Chris or Em for these updates, you will find them extremely useful in enhancing your diving career and knowledge, whats more it is FREE (Rescue divers, we can explain how you too can be part of the scheme).van


Cracking Viz at Stoney

Great to see a healthy turnout of Instructors and Divemasters, students were on top form and succeeded in all skills.

Well done Warren and Jason on achieving PADI

pic cove

requirements with ease.

A big THANKS to all for the help and in making this a successful and fun day out, and of course Ruth for the chuck wagon.

