Saturday 5 March…. Ok, so todays diving photo is a little Ironic, there are we, drysuits, dry gloves n hoods, and a little chilly, in the background a group of open water swimmers, baring all to the elements and 6 degrees C. Well done today everyone, on the PADI Open Water course. Thanks to Peter and Julian for their help, and cakeys to boost morale.

May be an image of 6 people and outdoors

Saturday 26 Feb…..Always good to see intrepid youngsters keen to take to the water today. Well done to Jonathon, Marcus and Phoenix on their SCUBA session this morning. Well done too to both Ayden and Jaiden on their scuba session this afternoon. Nice to have a blast of sunshine today, more of us will be taking to the water


Sunday 20 February….Thought it would be good to start posting again, just to stay in touch with everyone. A busy weekend with PADI Open Water courses and introducing new students to the great underwater environment. Well done to Intrepid youngsters Emilie, Amelia and Jack. A great start and well done to Jack S. Rumana and Sully on their Open Water course.


Monday 20 April

Monday 20 April
Well, the start of another week of keeping ourselves and others safe. Firstly,It was great to hear from so many of you over the last few days, via FB, email, text and telephone. We have had some great suggestions on what kind of posts you would like to see over the coming weeks. We don’t want to use our posts just to promote Kit and Course sales, but instead just to engage and further our readers’ diving knowledge, and keep our community of diving friends connected.
Our main headings will include, equipment choice & maintenance, diving physics and physiology, Books, texts, films and general diving advice on diving destinations and techniques.
Today, just to add a flavour of optimism, I wanted to consider our return to diving, obviously when conditions and health of the nation improve. Any extended lay off has an effect not only on our equipment but also on our personal skills/competence. I would imagine that any future return to “near normality” in the UK, will not be mirrored at the same time in other countries, dive travel abroad will face a laboured return. Dive destinations abroad may take even longer to return to normal operation and their ability to accommodate divers. This situation may herald a return to UK diving for those that are keen to take to the water as soon as possible.
For me, the UK presents some of the best diving in the world, most of my formative and early diving years from the late 70’s and 80’s was spent predominantly at sites all around the UK coast. It is true that the viz is not always the best, the sun may not always shine, and we always have a fair distance to drive. Nevertheless, UK diving holds many surprises, and whilst challenging, it will firmly enhance your diving abilities and experience. So just to start us off, there is going to be a UK essence running through our future FB posts.
We will also include some of our own UK dive trip videos from the past. Whether you join us on one of our UK trips, or venture independently, there’s lots of adventure to be had, and I will be posting details on how and where to go. So watch out for future links and videos, meantime, here’s one to whet your appetite; a promotional video from PADI on UK diving, which has some good footage.


Friday 17 April.

Friday 17 April….Hi everyone, firstly, we hope that you and your families are keeping safe and well in these extraordinary times. It has been a major point of vacillation for us in considering whether to use Facebook and talk about diving during what is a troubled time of more important considerations such as health. Nevertheless, with last nights inevitable extension of lockdown, it seems appropriately important to be able to look further ahead, to what might be brighter times, and talk about something we do love doing, namely diving and adventure.
We intend therefore to use FB as a conduit of communication for our local diving community in order to provide a service of diving information, advice, developments and technical knowledge. In doing so, we hope to help keep our common interest keen, and further our appreciation and understanding of this great activity.

So, beginning this Monday, we intend to post 2-3 times per week with the above aims in mind. We have a number of themes to address, which we hope you will find useful and informative. If you have any general or technical questions you would like to ask, we would be really pleased to address them. We would also welcome any photos/videos (above or below water) you may have, and would like to share them with others, these may be from one of our diving trips, or indeed one you have made independently, or an account of what you are doing during lockdown.

We hope you are able to have a look at some of the posts starting on Monday, and find them useful, in the meantime, more importantly, please stay safe and well !


Saturday 10 August

"Saturday 10 August....A good day to stay in the shelter of the pool. Welcome and well done today to Stephen and James on their PADI Scuba session. Welcome back to Alan and Rich on their PADI Scuba Review."

Saturday 10 August….A good day to stay in the shelter of the pool. Welcome and well done today to Stephen and James on their PADI Scuba session. Welcome back to Alan and Rich on their PADI Scuba Review.


Friday 9 August

"Friday 9 August....Managed to avoid the tempest this morning and the downpour this evening, but still had 2 super dives at the Cove today. Well done to Harry and Bryn on their first UK dives today on their PADI Advanced Open Water course, a natural transition by both !"

Friday 9 August….Managed to avoid the tempest this morning and the downpour this evening, but still had 2 super dives at the Cove today. Well done to Harry and Bryn on their first UK dives today on their PADI Advanced Open Water course, a natural transition by both !


Thursday 8 August

Thursday 8 August….A busy week of servicing and teaching, and trying to stay harmonised with the weather changes. Welcome and well done to Roshy and Laura today on their PADI Discover Scuba sessions.


Saturday 3 August

"Saturday 3 August....A super day in the school today. Welcome and well done to Gayatri, Karina, Darren and Daniel on their PADI Open Water course today. Thanks to Julian for his help teaching today."

Saturday 3 August….A super day in the school today. Welcome and well done to Gayatri, Karina, Darren and Daniel on their PADI Open Water course today. Thanks to Julian for his help teaching today.
