Tuesday 9 December…Well finally

Sunday 30 November another session in the swimming pool boiler room, with a revamped plant system. Thought we would post another of our DVD extracts for you to look at, three of our Open water students on their first open water dive on the Submarine, I think you will agree they look very proficient. It’s not time to hibernate yet it’s still pleasant diving at the cove, so join us for your Drysuit course or your Advanced course.
Friday 28 November…GREY Friday today at Stoney Cove, pretty bleak looking all day, but obviously far more enjoyable than the Black Friday sales debacle. It was congratulations to all today, well done to Hannah on certifying as a PADI Open… Water diver, and congratulations to Catherine and Michael on certifying as PADI Advanced divers, a great day with very competent divers. We have lots of diving scheduled for December (& dive trip), and some classroom based courses eg. nitrox, Equipment specialist, First Aid etc. Trip to Dorset coast in early December, come join us !
Weds 26 November…Late night posting having demolished the swimming pool boiler room and filtration system. Well done this morning to Helen and Paul on their Scuba refresher session, have a great time in the Maldives next week. Still lots of diving going on, so no reason to hibernate for winter, sun will be shining again on Friday, and its warming up again too.
Monday 24 November…Mademoiselle Monday at Stoney Cove today, well done to Katie, Andrea and Nadia on their PADI Open Water dives, despite the chilly conditions today a great effort by all. It would seem the short video clip on yesterdays FB proved to be very popular, will post some more later in week. Beanies hairdo was the consequence of coming to stoney on a motorbike (helmet underneath).
Diving the Viscount with Aquatechnique at Stoney Cove
Sunday 23 November… Thought you might be interested in a video clip of our students diving at Stoney Cove on Friday, and the great viz at the moment. Join us for the PADI Wreck Speciality, or if you prefer to stay dry then there’s space on the Nitrox and the PADI Equipment Specialist course. If you own your own kit, or intend to, this course is a must.