Ok, you’ve taken the plunge, now what ?


Well you’re now one of a small community of intrepid, adventurous people. It doesn’t stop here though, have a look at the excellent range of continuing education opportunities that the PADI training system provides (hold your cursor over the keep diving tab above and see the drop-down).)

pic cove

Alternatively, join us on one of our many dive trips, or sign up for escorted local diving, if you feel its early days to go it alone. We offer regular trips to Spain, S.France and annually to the Red Sea.

If you are itching to sample what the UK has to offer, then join us on one of our coastal trips.


For many of us, advancing our own skills and experience can be achieved through the medium of helping other newcomers to the sport. We are always looking for extra “in-water assistants” to help in providing an enjoyable and informative experience at Aquatechnique, achieving Rescue Diver qualification paves the way, we feel if you’ve trained to PADI standards with us, then you are well  equipped to furnish and transfer this proficiency to others. The rewards are immense, student learners greatly appreciate the time, help and assistance provided by fellow divers.

Come and Join Us !
